Yesterday, the San Antonio 室 held its May Board of Directors Meeting virtually. Following the welcome and opening remarks from the 室’s 2020 Chair and 总统 and 首席执行官 of Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) Adam Hamilton, the 室’s Vice 总统 of Public Policy Stephanie Reyes presented an update on the impact of COVID-19 on the local and state budgets, focusing specifically on how the pandemic is affecting infrastructure projects and our local utilities. While the largest sources of revenue for Texas are sales taxes and property taxes, severance taxes make up a significant portion of general revenue, with oil at 6% and natural gas at 2.7%.  Severance taxes were expected to generate $2.今年和明年将达到860亿美元, 但由于COVID-19, Comptroller Glen Hegar has warned that lawmakers will need to quickly pass a supplemental appropriations bill upon their return to Austin for the 2021 legislative session in January. 在本地, according to San Antonio Water System (SAWS), they are expecting COVID-19 to have a significant negative financial impact, 但这将是可控的. Water usage for the month of April was 8% less than what was budgeted, and they anticipate a $34 to $67 million drop in revenue from water and sewer service from April through December. 然而, SAWS projects operation and maintenance costs are decreasing, which will help offset the dip in revenue. Similarly, CPS Energy is projecting losses between $65 to $100 million. Regarding the 880 projects within the City’s 2017 Bond program, the pandemic has had no impact.  In fact, COVID-19 is helping to speed up the design process to get projects under construction. 除了, Stephanie reported that the $3 trillion HEROES Act was passed by the House but is said to be dead on arrival in the Senate. Negotiations are expected over the next month, and t在这里 is possibility of a bill passed after July 4. The 室’s Vice 总统 of Economic Development Belinda Hartwig reported that we are continuing our efforts to have Paycheck Protection Program eligibility extended to 501(c)6 organizations. The HEROES Act would extend eligibility to all 501c organizations, but since it will not be taken up by the Senate in its current form, we are working with our Senators and House members on alternative approaches. 戴夫·彼得森, 执行副总裁, informed the Board that the 室’s financial position as of the end of April was on track with our annual budget. The staff has conducted some worst-case analysis showing a potential deficit by the end of the year. The staff is working to mitigate that analysis through various means and is having early success. Dave also informed the Board that the SAWS Board of Trustees will soon have three vacancies: one representing the north half of the City and two representing the 东南 quadrant and south half of the City. The 室 believes it is critically important that these seats be filled by businessmen and women who will use their experience in finance, 管理, 工程, 战略规划, 等., to provide sage policy direction to SAWS 首席执行官 Robert Puente and his team. Trustees must reside in areas served by SAWS. Each member is appointed for a four-year term, with a maximum of two terms. One of four SAWS Trustees each represent a single quadrant of the utility’s service area (southwest, 东南, 西北及东北). Two Trustees represent the northern or southern halves of the City. The mayor serves in an ex officio capacity.  点击 在这里 为SAWS象限图. The 室 is asking members to consider the role and to promote the opportunity within their networks. Dave also notified the Board of the Annual State of the City Business Forum to be held on June 12 at noon.  赞助机会 是可用的. Finally, Dave provided the Military Affairs update to the Board initially discussing the U.S. Space Command Headquarters basing action. The Secretary of the Air Force sent a letter to all governors notifying them of the opportunity to nominate locations for the potential Headquarters. The 室 is part of a group working to submit a package. 也, he informed the Board of a basing action underway with the Texas National Guard to relocate 12 AH-64 Apache and 10 UH-60 MEDEVAC helicopters to Kelly Field. The Guard is conducting its initial analysis and will get back with us and the Port on their timing. 结束会议, Adam invited various board members to share perspectives from their businesses on how they are managing these times.